Saturday, May 10, 2008

Homes For Homless Nevadans 10 Year Plan to Reduce Homelessness

1. Promote Interagency Coordination of Human Service Delivery Programs
2. Increase the Availability of Stable and Sustainable Housing
3. Enhance Coordination between Non-Profit Organizations and Government
4. Prevent Individuals and Families from Becoming Homeless
5. Provide Seamless Client Services through Effective Partnerships
6. Foster Self-Sufficiency Through access to Education, Training, and Employment
7. Facilitate the Transition from Homelessness through Intensive Case Management
8. Increase Access to Medical, Dental and Vision Care Services
9. Ensure the Availability of Basic Needs Services
10. Improve Availability of Mental Health Services
11. Improve Availability of Substance Abuse Treatment Programs

1 comment:

Thomas said...

The students at MIT did a homeless shelter project is the link
